To make an appointment with Kids Chatter Speech Pathology, simply give us a call on 0432 735 044. You do NOT need a referral to make a booking with us.
Our admin team will ask you some questions to pinpoint your main concerns regarding your child. Your answers will help us work out:
- The best course of action
- What assessments will be needed
- Which Speech Language Pathologist is best suited to your child’s needs based on their skills and experience with your child’s difficulties and their availability
Due to the high demand for speech pathology services and a nationwide shortage of therapists around the country, we unfortunately do have a waiting list. We ARE accepting new clients on our waiting list and actively work through the list as appointments become available. Please check out our FAQs about how our waiting list process so you know what to expect or click the button below to add your child to our waiting list.
What happens once I get an appointment?
Due to the current high demand for speech pathology services, we are unable to book appointments immediately when you first make contact with us, but we actively work through our waiting list any time we have an available appointment time. Once we have been able to find you an appointment time, our admin team will finalise your booking over the phone by confirming we have your up-to-date details and process your $50 booking deposit. Due to some repeated issues in the past with people booking highly sought-after appointments and then failing to show up or even contact us, we have had to implement a non-refundable deposit to confirm your booking to ensure families don’t miss out. The $50 deposit will go towards your first session invoice, so it is not an extra fee, it is simply to confirm your attendance to your appointment. If you are unable to attend your appointment, we require at least 48 hours notice to cancel the booking (at which your deposit can be refunded), however if insufficient notice is provided, no refunds can be made.
Once we have arranged an appointment time for you and your child, our admin will send you an email confirming your appointment details which will also include a link to our online forms for you to complete. The online form is a case history form about your child’s background and development which is crucial information that our Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) need as part of their assessment to get a better understanding of your child’s current and past difficulties and developmental progress. The form will also include information about the terms and conditions of our services such as confidentiality and payments. The online form is to be completed BEFORE your first appointment so that the SLP can focus on your child in the first appointment rather than spending time filling in paperwork with you.
An SMS reminder of your appointment will be sent out three business days before each appointment to confirm your attendance.
For more information about what to expect in your first appointment with your child and the SLP, check out our other page about What to Expect in the Assessment.
Do I need a referral from my doctor?
No, unless you are looking to claim Medicare rebates if your child is eligible for the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan, also known as the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan. You will need to see your GP to organise the Medicare paperwork which we will need a copy of. If you have private health cover, NDIS funding or paying privately yourself, you DO NOT need a referral to see us.
To find out more about how the CDM/EPC plan words or whether your child is eligible, you can:
- Check out more information on our website about the CDM/EPC plans here
- Visit the Medicare website
- Contact your GP to discuss your child’s needs and arrange for them to complete the Medicare paperwork
- Give us a call on 0432 735 044