When your child needs Phonological Awareness Therapy
Your child may need Phonological Awareness Therapy if they are struggling with early foundational skills they need, to be successful in reading and spelling.
During kindergarten (or even before) kids start learning about things such as rhyming, syllables, the beginning sounds in words, knowing how to break up words and blend them back together and so on. These are some of the important foundational skills that help them with their spelling and reading when they start school.
Signs that your child is struggling with foundational literacy skills
If you find your child is having difficulties with their reading and/or spelling skills at school, or they don’t know how to rhyme words or break them up into sounds or syllables, then you may need to get the team at Kids Chatter to teach them these pre-literacy skills.
Why it’s important to seek help now
Without these skills, your child will find learning to read and spell difficult. Literacy is all about knowing how words work, and that they’re made up of multiple sounds that we represent by letters and literacy is fundamental to your child’s education and daily life when they reach adulthood.
How we help your child develop foundational literacy skills
Here at Kids Chatter we’ll see if your child knows how to rhyme, identify and create syllables, what sound a word starts or ends with and how these skills go together to help your child learn to read and spell. We’ll also give them word puzzles—“If I changed the first sound of ‘bat’ to ‘h’, what would the new word be?” They’ll learn not just what the letters and sounds are, but also how we use them to create the written words we see in books or street signs that tell us something.
We’ll also teach them how to sound out words and blend sounds together which are crucial skills needed to read or spell words.
By learning these pre-literacy skills, your child will find reading and spelling correctly a lot easier. This, in turn, will improve their literacy skills, and help with their education, not just at school, but throughout their life.
If your child is having difficulty with foundational literacy skills, please call us today to arrange an assessment on 0432 735 044.